Creating together, side by side. Since 1925 main aim of our job is to make the simple daily gesture to choose a special shirt a genuine pleasure, refreshed every day. Creativity, dedication to the product and customer service are characteristics that cannot be improvised. The story of C. Tessile S.p.a. started over 80 years ago, in 1925, when the company was set up as part of the silk industry in the Como area. The first generational change took place in the Sixties. The outstanding experience acquired in working with a precious and luxury fibre like silk together with the tenacity and laboriously bard work that are typical of the genuine Como entrepreneurship led the family to abandon the silk sector for cotton in the Sixties. This proved to be an inspired decision since the fabrics, in the following years, began to be exported to German and French markets. At the end of the Eighties, the offices were moved to the current location in Guanzate and the second generational change took place. The business received new impetus with the purchase of cutting edge machines and the installation of new semiautomatic warehouse. Today, thanks to its passion for work, dynamism, constant innovation and creativity, the company is one of the leading reference brands in the sector of high quality shirting fabrics. Canclini has reached its current position as a reference point for quality, styling, service, research and innovation in the production of Italian shirting because its inherent passion has permitted it to achieve a dream. In a sector subject to increasingly rapid change and variations in style, Canclini has set itself certain objectives for the future.